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"The most coveted dining award in NE WI!"

That would be the Golden Fork Award, that we've been talking about for the past couple weeks, and asking for your support in voting for Stumpjack in a few categories.

I was chatting with Alison Fiebig, Assistant Editor of Fox Cities Magazine, about the award and voting. She said that they've been getting a good number of ballots in, which is fantastic, but that some are only voting for one place and ignoring all others. That's ok, if that's how you really feel...that is, if you have only one place that you really like to eat or drink. But if you do have other places you like to go to please take a few extra seconds to type those in too. Your votes really do help small businesses to keep doing what they do. It provides much welcome affirmation and validation that they're on the right track, and believe me, that kind of feedback is very important and very much appreciated by any small business.
Alison's message: "We used to require that the ballot be 25% filled out (and not "stuffed" with votes for one particular establishment). We aren't enforcing it this year, in part to better promote the contest. All I can do is encourage you to have your regulars & supporters vote fairly & take an extra 30 seconds to nominate restaurants in other categories."
So please, check out the other day's blog post and vote for Stumpjack Coffee where you think we deserve it (for example, Best Coffee and Best Cafe), and for your other favorite dining establishments as well. Thanks a lot for your support.

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