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Roots music Friday night

Go here to this minimal though very sharp-looking website of John Statz: John will be performing at Stumpjack Friday night at 8pm. When you get onto Jon's site (and it does look good doesn't it) click on the "Press" link. Read a few reviews...John is a musician who a lot of people clearly think has some muscle in his songwriting. One review snippet: "...quirky, funky and fresh, without any pretense. But his own songs pack a quiet punch."

John performed at Stumpjack once before. His rendition of "Will the Circle Be unBroken" was one I put on out youtube site (it's also the song that earned him the "quirky, funky and fresh" description above). He's good, and you should see him Friday night of you can.

Then Saturday night our resident songstress, Becky Markvart will be singing and telling bad jokes at 7pm. We love Becky...shoot, everybody loves Becky. It's a double header weekend of music at the Stump.

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  • Response
    Music night on friday is especially organized and arranged. It is established with the performance and values of the right tinge. It is the music which is responsible for the freshness of the soul. It is the embedded and encountered touch of the life style.

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