A good night for art & music

Be here or live in shame.

Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
Tonight (Friday): the smooth and comfy acoustic stylings of Mr. Lloyd Rohr. 8:00pm. Come on down and unwind after a long week (it was long for me anyway).
We've been working hard on trying to pull things together for the wine and tapas bar thingy (my excuse for the lack of posting this past few days). Have a few sets of images to put on from the last week or so as well...today I promise, maybe within the hour.
The knee is packed in ice and I am thinking that I may have to go see a witchdoctor after all (the "rub some dirt on it" remedy was only moderately successful).
This weekend Stumpjack has some fine music scheduled. On Saturday our ol' pal Lloyd Rohr will be performing his mellow and raspy-voiced songs for your entertainment pleasure yet again. Lloyd's a pro who has been playing great music for quite a while along the lakeshore. Last time he was here (a month or so ago I think) Lloyd really was fabulous and everyone just had a great time. His songlist covers a lot of ground and is sure to smooth over any rough edges the work-week might have given you.
But first, on Friday night, Adam Morantez will be here for his first Stump gig. Adam and his wife just moved here from Minnesota and he stopped in a couple weeks ago to say hi and drop off a CD for us to listen to. After listening to Adam's CD we had planned to schedule him right away in October because we're fairly full-up until then. But as luck or fate would have it, Kelly Underwood called and said she was going to hit the American Idol try-outs in Nashville this Friday (good luck Kelly!) and wanted to know if it was all right to reschedule with us (hmmm...Stumpjack or American Idol...what to do, what to do...). So I emailed Adam straight away and asked him if he wanted to fill in this Friday...good luck for us because he said yes! It's short notice and we didn't have time to do a press release or anything substantive for the paper, but tomorrow night is the night folks. Come on down and welcome our new friend and neighbor and enjoy Adam's brand of acoustic music. If his CD mirrors what he plays live it will be an evening of good acoustic, spare and heartfelt, independent music.Who: Lloyd Rohr