We been snorbified

Last night Steve Bucklin, Tyler Gause and Nick Smith (aka snorb!) performed a couple of sets at the Stump that had me wondering how soon it will be before these guys are doing the music thing full-time. They are just outstanding. They're absolutely excellent musicians, as tight and polished on each song as studio musicians. Their compositions are ethereal and very provocative, and they come across as joyful, fun-loving guys who totally dig what they're doing and are very appreciative that other people dig it too.
They've apparently won a lot of awards in their home state, West Lafayette, Indiana. Steve was voted Guitarist of the Year and Nick was Bass Player of the Year (2008). Tyler joked that he was voted dead-weight of the year, but he too is an outstanding guitarist, and when not doing some lead guitar work is a human rhythm guitar machine. I've rarely seen three guys more musically in synch with each other.
We did not have a lot of people here last night, I think 15 total, perhaps because it was Valentine's Day evening. I was thinking, 'man, more people should be here to hear these guys.' We asked them to do a return gig sometime in the near future and they promised they would, so if and when we do schedule snorb! again you owe it to yourself to ink that date on your calendar.