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Entries in Lillie Lemon (3)


Lemonhead meeting Saturday night

You'll see on the right sidebar a new feature: a Calendar of Events! Thanks to our personal neon and computer guru, Marty, for placing that handy feature on the site for us. Just click on an event title to get a little more info about it.

Had a super nice time last weekend with reggae and world music superstar Pato Banton and the Now Generation. I'm writing a review of the band's performances at Stumpjack for their website and promo efforts, and as part of my ongoing book project. If there's a harder working, more fun and uplifting band on the planet today I'd be very surprised. More to come, but for now, huge gratitude and respect to Pato, Antoinette, Tony, Bryan, Mikey, Eddie, Beeken and Danny. Dig this image of the band and us after the show (thanks to Marty & Glenn for the pic).

Saturday night at 7:30 or so we'll have the opening of an art exhibition by Mz. Kim Smith, who may be familiar to some of you as the good cop in the good cop/bad cop Stumpjack squad. Kim is a wonderful mosaic artist and some of her recent work (along with a couple older pieces) will be on display for the next month or two. She'll be adding to the exhibition each week as well, as pieces are sold and need to be replaced, so pop in often to see what's new on the walls. I don't have any good images of any new work but here's an older piece she made and sold to some folks a couple years ago (I think it might be in a cottage up north somewhere right was a big piece, maybe 4 ft across. Most of the pieces in this show are much smaller, for ease of taking home with you!).

As part of Saturday night's festivities we will also be hosting the simply wonderful, effervescent and lyrical Lillie Lemon! Lillie (Jessica) and her band will begin at 8pm. Last time Lillie was scheduled to perform something very exciting dropped into her lap at the last minute and we postponed the show. She'll tell you about it tomorrow night I'm sure. There is something so refreshing, honest and buoyant about a Lillie Lemon gig. It just seems to make you suddenly aware that you're have unwittingly become a LemonHead. She's coming up from Chicago so come out and join us and help support excellent live music in our community. You'll be really glad you did. Dig this poster made and then modified (had to change the date for this rescheduled show) by the statuesque and gifted Tina Kugler.


Lillie Lemon Canceled because of Lewis & Clark

Tonight's performance by Lillie Lemon will have to be rescheduled because those trouble-making explorers Lewis & Clark are up their old tricks again. Here's Lillie:

Hello dear Lemon Heads!

As I promised, I'm writing a note to explain why Saturday's show has to be rescheduled. I hope you all agree that I faced a tough decision - and that I made the right choice, given the circumstances!

A few months back, Professor Nate Lowe approached me about a course he was hosting with another professor that would be an Honors seminar called the Louis and Clark Expedition. I've always been interested in the early West, and was psyched about the course. The last week would be spent on the Missouri River, canoeing the same route that the famous duo took for part of their excursion.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to save up enough money to go on the trip, so I had to bow out of the course.

Last week, my friend Ross, who was going on the trip, rolled his ankle (oh no!) and could no longer go on the trip. However, he could not get his deposit back from the outfitters, and he and Nate both decided that they would gift this opportunity to me.

Of course, I didn't know what to do! I love Stumpjack's place so much and I didn't want to disappoint anyone, so I asked David, Stump's owner, for advice. He said, with a full heart, go for it. So, I'm totally going for it!

There it is. I hope you all feel I made the right decision here. Stay tuned for a new show for the awesome Stumpjack Coffee Co.

Peace and Love and Canoes,
Lillie Lemon



Icarus/Drifting & Lillie Lemon

This Friday, May 14 at 7:00pm the alternative rock band Icarus/Drifting will perform at Stumpjack. This is from their website (sounds pretty darn intriguing):

Somewhere between sediment and sky, the elements that comprise the sound of Icarus/Drifting unite. Founded in 2006 by singer/songwriter Eric Cox, Icarus/Drifting has garnered a reputation as one of the most unique, powerful, and passionate acts to take the stage in recent memory.  Cox - a lyrical disciple of influences ranging from Neil Young through Bono, Eddie Vedder, and Ray Lamontagne - began the group with a bold premise in mind:  A band that could blur the edges between folk, rock, blues, indie, and classical music;  A band with a distinctive sound – singular and inimitable;  A band grounded in lyrics and melody, lifted by the sonic grace of a violin and propelled by the driving rhythms of guitar, bass, and drums. The result is a virtual tour de force on the modern music scene.

Saturday, May 15 at 7:00pm will see the return of one of our favorite fun-time bands, Lillie Lemon. Three reviews from the CDBaby site:

"Lillie Lemon gives the music world a sour twist with an inventive and emotionally honest approach to her sound. Experience the voice adored by "Lemonheads" everywhere. The definition of bliss. Such a fun, personable, outstanding musical group that entertains and plays their hearts out."

"Delicate soulful vocals that are so captivating, you keep coming back for more. Be forewarned, once you hear "Nobody to Thank" once or twice, you might find it stuck in your head for days. This entire album shows a group with much promise to go far. It immediately jumped to the top of my favorite playlist."

"This initial effort by these most tallented artists provokes the mundance into quiet bliss. Folks, get ready to meld into the next O'conner and Bjork combined. A must try."