Lillie Lemon Canceled because of Lewis & Clark

Tonight's performance by Lillie Lemon will have to be rescheduled because those trouble-making explorers Lewis & Clark are up their old tricks again. Here's Lillie:
Hello dear Lemon Heads!
As I promised, I'm writing a note to explain why Saturday's show has to be rescheduled. I hope you all agree that I faced a tough decision - and that I made the right choice, given the circumstances!
A few months back, Professor Nate Lowe approached me about a course he was hosting with another professor that would be an Honors seminar called the Louis and Clark Expedition. I've always been interested in the early West, and was psyched about the course. The last week would be spent on the Missouri River, canoeing the same route that the famous duo took for part of their excursion.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to save up enough money to go on the trip, so I had to bow out of the course.
Last week, my friend Ross, who was going on the trip, rolled his ankle (oh no!) and could no longer go on the trip. However, he could not get his deposit back from the outfitters, and he and Nate both decided that they would gift this opportunity to me.
Of course, I didn't know what to do! I love Stumpjack's place so much and I didn't want to disappoint anyone, so I asked David, Stump's owner, for advice. He said, with a full heart, go for it. So, I'm totally going for it!
There it is. I hope you all feel I made the right decision here. Stay tuned for a new show for the awesome Stumpjack Coffee Co.
Peace and Love and Canoes,
Lillie Lemon
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