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This week’s StB coffee column

Here’s the link to this week’s Spill the Beans column in the local paper (Herald Times Reporter). I actually haven’t had time read through it to see if they’ve edited or cut anything. Thankfully, they usually leave it alone but every once in a while I have to make a clarification comment when they do mess with it. This one’s about coffee in Ecuador.

You’ll notice that I have a link in the pages bar titled “Spill the Beans.” At the moment there is nothing there, but I intend to archive all of my past StB columns there once I get the time to do so.

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  • Response
    Coffee is become a major part of our lives even we are feeling boring if we are never getting a dose of that stuff in a day. This is very nice that you shared the latest technique of how can we get the more interesting coffee cup.

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