Art changing the world…our world.

I made a Facebook update this morning wherein I referenced the Latin phrase quae nocent docent, which basically translates as what hurts also teaches. (I’m no Latinist by any stretch of the imagination but I know a smattering few Latin phrases just because I like language in general and Latin is a fun language.)
Working to get Stumpjack reopened and out of debt has involved a good measure of psychic turmoil (feelings of frustration, anger, failure, confusion and anxiety alternating with hopefulness, pride, defiance, appreciation and determination…a lot of highs and lows). On one level it is really “just a coffee shop” and I need to remember where it fits on the list of important things in life. But it is also something that we’ve put a lot of heart, soul and personal resources into. It is an important project to us personally and to the community it serves. I’ve always believed that one of the most important things and biggest challenges in life is to strive for balance, balance in how you prioritize all the stuff that makes life what it is…material, spiritual, physical, psychic, work, family and so on.
I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately (we’ve been out of balance in some areas the past couple years) and there’s more to say on that subject, but as it concerns today’s post it occurs to me that there is some sort of cosmic balancing going on lately. As I review the past several weeks concerning the status of Stumpjack, for every instance of frustration or irritation there seems to have been a corresponding instance of success and something to appreciate. They vary by degree, of course, but there does seem to be a “see-saw thing” going on.
A big something…huge, actually…that has filled the positive side of the ledger in the project has been the outpouring of encouragement and support from our friends and friends of the shop. After we see where this journey has led us I want to acknowledge as many of those uplifting moments as I can and say thanks to everyone. Today’s post is about one of those uber-cool instances of good vibrations and friendship that we’re very grateful for.
It’s no secret to anyone who knows us or Stumpjack that we love Steph and Matt Davies, as good people and really freaky-good artists. Matt is a folk musician with few peers. His music is as authentic, honest and engaging as anything you will ever hear. Steph is also a fine musician, but her real love is as a visual artist. We’ve had two or three showings of her work and it is always a treat to see what she brings and what avenues she is exploring visually. She’s one of those artists whose art works on a number of levels, including on the surface (in composition, color, imagery) and below the surface (in iconography, personal revelation, and thought provoking contemplativeness).
Steph messaged me a few days ago with an idea, an offer to help the Stump get rolling forward. For me, it was one of those beautiful moments where you feel the love and gratitude for having good people in your life. She subsequently posted on Facebook the following:
Hello everyone,
Stumpjack Coffee Company is an amazing coffeehouse owned by an amazing family in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. David & Kim have opened their doors and supported all kinds of up and coming artists & musicians, always making sure we leave their shop with full bellies & money in our pockets. I’m sad to say that they’ve had to close their doors for a while do to a lack in finances, but they are working hard to open those doors again. I was scheduled to have an art opening there this past March, but they weren’t able to open up in time, hopefully my art will hang on their walls again, and to help make sure that happens I’m currently offering up the paintings I intended to display there for sale on my website ( go to the art work section) all paintings/drawings with a * in front of the title will help Stumpjack. Half of the money from any sales of these items will go directly to them to help them open their doors again!!! If you’ve ever considered buying a piece of my work, now’s the time…because you won’t only be helping me make future work, you’ll be supporting a wonderful place and some wonderful people who have always opened their arms to artists & musicians like myself & my husband, Matthew Davies. So check out the art work, if you see something you like email me at and we’ll figure out the payment either through paypal or check or whatever. All work will still be displayed at some point at Stumpjack (so you’ll receive your work after the show). If you’d like to learn more about Stumpjack Coffee Company in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, go here: Thanks for your love & support!!! -Steph Davies
How awesomely cool is that? Check out Steph’s site. If all goes well in the next few days we hope and plan to be open next week with a kick-off on Saturday, April 1oth, with an exhibition of Steph’s work and fabulous music by Matt. Stay tuned…we’ll know very soon, maybe even in the next several hours, if all the ducks are going to line line up and we’ll be able to announce the opening. Whether we are successful or not, artists like Steph Davies deserve support and her art deserves/demands to be seen. Go to her site, buy something from her (ignore the * designation and the Stumpjack angle completely, and just get a piece of her work for yourself or a loved one) or even just send her an email telling her how much you dig what she’s doing with her art.
From Kim, Glen, Cheyenne, Jesse and myself: thank you, Steph…you are amazing.
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