Steph and Matt Davies

Matt's performance was perhaps a bit more "forceful" in that his voice and guitar work was more aggressive than Steph's, with his song list covering both his own compositions and some very complementary and somewhat deep cut covers of people like Dylan, Waits and Taylor. He's definitely got the traveling folk/blues songster mojo, and his own songs are thoughtful, clever and honest.

Steph's performance was (forgive this trite description) sensitive and endearing, with her own songs being very sincere and emotionally beautiful. Her voice is pillowy soft, almost shy, which fit quite nicely with the kind of personal and love-filled lyrics she writes. She forces you to pay attention to what she's the kind of music that mellows you out and makes you feel good inside or glad to be in love (or want to be in love of you're not already).

Steph is an accomplished graphic artist as well and we've tentatively scheduled an art exhibition of her work for November 7. I just got an email from Steph as I was finishing this post and they're going to be coming back to perform at the Stump on Saturday, September 27th...mark your calendar and plan to be here if you can.
Click here for the Steph & Matt Davies Flickr set.

Reader Comments (2)
Darla and I really enjoyed the performance that Steph and Matt put on Friday night. It was both a great pleasure to listen to, and really nice to meet them and visit briefly after their performance.
Another great act! I'm awestruck at your ability to bring in these cool performers from such a large distance, David. Please put us on your waiting list for season tickets to the Stumpjack Coffe Shop Concert Series.
Nice job on the write up of their show as well. I concur 100% with your description of them and their act. They were cool!
Looking forward to their next show, as well as seeing their friends "Them Damn Kids" perform this Wednesday.
Thanks again!
Thanks again, Brian. It's always cool to have you and Darla hanging with us on music nights, because I know you guys appreciate and enjoy what artists like Steph & Matt do.
Seaason Tickets? Now there's an idea worth thinking about...hmmm...