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Entries in TRivia (1)


The Great TRivia Contest 

Marty with bad kung-fu movie mustache.

Stumpjack team, "The Usual Suspects" came in 5th out of 13 teams for the Two Rivers Trivia Contest (The Great TRivia Contest) last night at the Community House. We had a great time and did pretty well for our first time entering. Plus, even though we didn't win "best table theme" we should have...our theme played off the vibe in the movie Casablanca, with all of us wearing fezzes (made by Stumpjumper Pat Sheahan), dark glasses, suit or trench coats, and table decorations like dead monkeys & a hookah pipe.

These dudes look like they mean business.

Click here to go to the Flickr set of images from the night. It includes images from Marty and Jeff Dawson along with my own. Attached to the images that Jeff took is a link to his Flickr set of even more images from the night, and his photos are always well worth viewing. Check them out.

Elke, Kitty, Pat, Justin, Doug, Chuck, Dixie, Marty, David, Alex.

They look relaxed & laid back, but trivia is an intense & dangerous game.