Two Weekends of Excellent Music

Stumpjack has a couple of excellent live music gigs on tap for the next two weekends, and if you dig live music like we do you need to mark your calendar and shine your shoes for these ones.
This Saturday night (the 7th) at 7:00 we again have the pleasure of hosting Kurt Gunn at the coffee house. Kurt is one of those musicians who reminds me of that old line about the "roiling sea hidden beneath a quiet & calm surface." He strikes you as just one of those good guys, the kind of friend you like to have a beer with while shooting pool and yacking about life. And then you find out that this unassuming, kind of quiet bloke has a musically talent that makes you go "Whoa! Damn, he's really good!"
Kayla Murphy
This will be Kurt's 3rd or 4th appearance at Stumpjack, and that makes us very happy (it's a great feeling when people you like want to come back and share their time and talent with you). He'll be sharing tomorrow night with Kayla Murphy, a lovely and talented independent folk and R&B singer/songwriter who you will surely be hearing more of as the years go by. Kurt & Kayla have been performing shows together for a while now and their partnership (they play separately and a together a little bit as well) makes for a special evening for the audience. 7:00 Saturday night.
Eric Nassau
Then, the following Friday night (Friday the 13th) we really, really juiced to have our friend Eric Nassau finally return to the Stump. If I had to describe Eric's performances in a single word I would just use the word "fun." He's got the look: long, loooong red beard, lanky in stature and dressed in full pink bunny costume. I'm kidding about the pink bunny costume part (really, he just wears regular clothes...usually...I think...) but he's the kind of guy who probably would do it just to have a little fun with everyone. Eric's got a wry sense of humor and a joyful stage presence, a suitcase full of wonderful songs and a troubadour's fearless energy.
Megan Palmer
It took some work to get Eric back here, as he lives in Columbus, Ohio and it's a bit of a trek. This show, too, will be a dual performance show, as Eric will be here with the beautiful and gifted Megan Palmer, another Columbus artist. Megan has made some big noise in the indie folk/alternative/country scene with her own solo work and as a member of The Hopefuls. She's a multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar, piano and violin and has been giving herself to music since she was 6-years old. You've got to join us for this gig; we're not sure when we might be able to coerce Eric or Megan back again, and you've got them both here on the same night with this show. INK your calendar to be at Stumpjack next Friday the 13th, 7:00.