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Duct Tape & Silk - Stumpjack Fashion

Mark your calendars, ladies! Next weekend, Saturday night, will be "Stumpjack Fashion Night," as we host the touring Duct Tape & Silk fashion tour that began on the west coast & is currently heading east across America.

Stumpjack Urban Design Red #23
Inspired by the work controversial fashion designer John Galliano, Duct Tape & Silk features outrageous yet aesthetically accessible designs using materials both industrial and sublimely genteel, such as duct tape or fiberglass insulation combined with high-end silks & Egyptian tweeds. Critical reviews of the touring fashion show have run the gamut from "Outrageously brilliant!" (Sido Harnek, "NYTimes") to "A fashion disaster of epic proportions. Ridiculous is the kindest word I can use for this embarrassment to fashion." (Harlan Reynolds, "Designer International").
Stumpjack Urban Design Gray #13
This show will also help introduce or "kick-off" the forthcoming Stumpjack line of women's urban evening wear, which incorporates materials like those mentioned above and which will be retailed in three select boutiques in the Milwaukee, Chicago and Wittenberg areas. We're very excited to be getting into the fashion business, albeit starting on a small (though seriously focused) level. Duct Tape & Silk will be a ticketed event and is limited in admission as there will be a television crew here to film the event. More details to come.

April 2nd note: Yes, this was an April Fool's gag. I mean really, our designs would be so much more funky.

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  • Response
    Response: resume writers
    I don’t know why they are wasting the monies on these types of the fashion stuffs that are having nothing instead of the heavy and waste looks. We cannot also wear them and hold these all gadgets on the heads, what they want to prove.

Reader Comments (1) was so looking forward to this. Was hoping I could secretly reproduce some of the designs and have them in my tiny Front Porch retail area.

You & the family wanna move here? That would mean a few more forward thinkers in town, and perhaps a third place coffee shop. Tired and broke from the 45 mile drive for a Nirvana, man!

April 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaria

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