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My favorite stupid father-daughter games

1. Grocery shopping yesterday with Cheyenne. We begin making dualing mouth fart noises, til they become loud, almost spitting "PLBLBLBBBBBBBTT!!" fart noises. But if someone looks at us I will immediately look at Cheyenne with a disgusted look on my face, like she really did fart, and just shake my head in shame. She usually replies with "You dork!" haha...I win.

2. I push the shopping cart and suddenly start walking a little faster, so Cheyenne has to walk faster too to catch up. So I walk even faster pushing the cart, and start glancing over my shoulder like some strange weirdo is following me, while she's walking even faster to catch up. Then I start actually running but with nerdy football practice pitter-patter steps, feet splayed sideways, as I push the cart erratically and glance over my shoulder with a scared look in my eyes. At this point she stops running after me and just laughs "OMG, you're so weird!" as I disappear into the next aisle. I call that one my nerd shuffle and it works in the parking lot just as well as in the store (best used when pushing a shopping cart).

3. The old "pull the car ahead as they reach for the car door" never gets old. Yesterday I had her running after the car and talking smack and laughing for 100 feet in the parking lot. I think she always asks me if she can drive just so she can make me chase the car.

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