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An evening with Wreckless & Amy

Tonight Wreckless Eric and Amy Rigby will be sharing their time, music, humor and friendship with us here at the Stump. Here's the day's schedule: we'll be closing at the usual Saturday time, right after lunch at 2:00. We'll remain closed until around 7:00 as we get ready for the evening, when we'll open the doors and people can come in and hang out until the show starts at around 8:00.

If you want to come you have until either 2:00 or between 7:00 and 8:00 to secure your name on the guest list. Tickets again are $15 ea or 2 for $25. Once the show starts I think we'll close the door and that'll be'll become a private party sort of thing.

BTW, here's my post about Wreckless & Amy from a few days ago (click here).

Anybody got this album?

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