Johnny Depp at Stumpjack?

There's a rumor going 'round that Johnny Depp made a brief visit to Stumpjack Coffee last Thursday evening when JoAnn Riedl and Jeannie Mayotte were performing here. The rumor is that Johnny was traveling through town, doing some sight-seeing while on break from filming the much talked about new movie "Public Enemy" here in God's country. He may have had one of our uberfine double espressos and a Fiddler's Elbow English Ale, while enjoying JoAnn's and Jeannie's kick-butt acoustic performance with a couple of friends he was allegedly traveling with. And he may have expressed his appreciation for being able to relax for a while without the usual gaggle of fans and paparazzi bugging him. And we may have agreed not to spread it around for at least a few days that he was hanging at the Stump for a couple hours and totally dug the coffee and ambiance.
Johnny Depp...dang fine actor, lover of fine espresso and live music, all around good guy.
And everyone make sure to go see Johnny's movie "Public Enemy" when it comes out.