Thief in the house

Someone recently stole an item from the Stumpjack Coffee Company. Not a significant item in terms of monetary value, but significant enough to disappoint and get ticked off about. It was a large decorative bottle of red peppers that we had in the small back room by the restroom. We all know that the world is full of losers and jackasses who care little to nothing for others or the concept of right vs. wrong behavior, and yet no matter how commonplace the wrong behavior might be it never fails to take the rest of us a little by surprise when we actually run into it.
Stumpjack Coffee is offering a reward of one fat pound of exceptional 100% pure Kona coffee to anyone who can and will identify the pathetic loser who took the bottle and effect the return of said bottle. Kona goes for upwards of $50 a pound and more in some places...we sell it for around $36-$40 a pound here. We will also be happy to post the picture and name of the thief on this blog and in the shop for all the world to see and ridicule, so if you know this person and would like to see them receive a little public humiliation, along with getting a pound of some of the planet's best coffee, then do your civic duty and turn 'em in and retrieve the bottle for us...shewt, you can even keep the bottle too if you like it, I just want to shine a light on the ne'er-do-well who sullied this fine establishment with their unsavory presence (and if the perp who took the bottle happens to be reading this I'm sure you can find someone to explain to you all of the words that contain more than one syllable).