Pastries & Coffees = Deliciousness

Uniquely Yours Pastry
members $10*
nonmembers $15*

Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
When: Friday, April 18th at 7:00pm.
Where: Stumpjack Coffee Company; Two Rivers
We will be sampling at five dark beers (stouts) from various microbreweries and pairing them with fine chocolates, including a special Stout Beer Flourless Chocolate Cake courtesy of Jennifer Pasquill of Uniquely Yours Pastry Shoppe (yup, cake made with beer).
This is going to be basically the same set-up as our wine and chocolate evening we did on Valentine’s Day, in that we’re going to limit participation to around ten (10) people and those who sign up first will be it. I’m not yet sure if we’ll be closing the door or staying open for business during this one…it is Heart-A-Rama week and we haven’t quite yet figured out if that needs to be considered for this evening as well. Becky Markvart will again be providing some beautimous musical accompaniment for the event.
Brad and Shaun have also recently opened a new B&B in Algoma just a couple blocks from the winery, the Havenly Inn. I think we're going to take advantage of this place sometime in the next month or so...a beautiful B&B next to a great winery, what more could you need?
Last night (Saturday) Kerry did a brief show for an appreciative crowd (some of who reported feeling a little morning "slowness" from the wine party the night before...ha!). He's become something of the official Stumpjack House Band since we opened, always ready to step in if we need him, with a long list of tunes that include very original versions of familiar songs as well as his own excellent material. It is unfortunate that that he recently suffered an injury to his hand (hence the short show this night) and had to cancel several gigs with us, but he's on the mend and will be back soon I'm sure. I'm tellin' you all now, this guy has talent and a warm stage presence that gets people involved with the performance. His own songs are as good as anything you might hear on the radio and he has an ability to make other people's music his own. Here's the Kerry Michaels myspace site. I did manage to remember to take a few pics last's a couple.