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Entries in Thanksgiving (1)


Happy Thanksgiving!

Stumpjack will be closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for, in spite of the downturn in the economy and the usual small business challenges: we're doing business in a beautiful little city, and we've made a great many wonderful friendships (so many of you are truly grand people). We are most definitely thankful for you all, and wish you all a restful, rejuvenating and peaceful Thanksgiving. God bless.

I tried to find a picture of a turkey and coffee together, but no luck.
The closest I could come is a picture of Turkish coffee...get it?

FYI: Kim has updated her Stumpjack's Wine All You Want blog with a brief note on wine for the holiday. Also, this Friday night Becky Markvart will be performing here at the Stump.