Those naughty Pagel boys and Mr. Z

Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
And don't forget, Stumpjack has new summer/fall hours:
Here are the pics from tonight's gig with Andy and Greg...what a blast! I'm beat and am going home to pass out...will add more tomorrow...
Ok, it's "tomorrow" now...Monday actually. What a night that was. At one point I wormed my way up front and yelled at Greg and Andy, "What the heck are these people here for? You guys aren't even that good!" To which I was immediately manhandled by the attendant throng, body-surfed to the front door and summarily tossed out into the street.
Andy and Greg are two of the nicest guys around, and what fabulous musicians. Just another example of how rich the talent pool is in this little corner of the country. They'll be back on Friday July 25th...and we'll be bringing in reinforcements to help handle the mob. Greg will be here on Friday, June 6th with cellist extraordinaire Matt Turner.
Saturday night at 7:00: Those two handsome and courageous daredevils, Andy and Greg Pagel, aka "Pick n' Squeeze," will be at Stumpjack Coffee to entertain and mystify you. It's tough to nail these two guys down to an actual date...I find them very irritating that way...but it's always worth the aggravation because they play some very tasty stuff.
The first 100 people in the door would get a free troll doll if we had any on hand...but we don't.