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Entries in John Will Balsley (2)


Gig pics from last couple weekends on Flickr

Click on the links below each picture (or in the right side column) to check out the images from the last couple of weeks. Not going to comment on these nights next other than to say that they were all a lot of fun...check out the pics on Flickr and you'll see. I do intend to come back to a couple of these in the next three or four days and offer a brief review, so come on back.

Yacking with Kim, Terry, Sandy, (and Roger & Deb) during Bill's night.
Bill Martell 5/2/08

Ethan pushing through the pain of an injured eye...awesome.

Ethan Keller 5/3/08

Katie & Ric: security for Matt's show...putting fear into troublemakers.
Matt Schroeder 5/9/08

Image courtesy of Bill's son Nate Walkner...dang good photographer.

John Willy, Nick and Brian laying it down.


The blues at Stumpjack Coffee

This Friday night at 8:00pm John Will Balsley will be returning to Stumpjack Coffee. John performed at our big 1-year Anniversary Costume Party last November and was outstanding. Everyone was saying "How can that guy play the blues like that!? He looks like a computer geek!" (no offense to John of course...he's just one of those unusual vessels of creativity whose outward appearance belies an inner John Lee Hooker...wait one darn minute!...John Lee Hooker...John Will Balsley...coincidence??). Anyway, be here or be square. 8pm Friday night.