Stumpjack closed until Friday

Hi everyone! Stumpjack will be closed this week until Friday afternoon as Kim and I recharge the batteries up north.Join us Friday night for more great music with Doc Retzinger. Those of you who have heard Doc either by himself or with Joe LaForce and Mark Kimmes know how wonderful he is. Then on Saturday night Andy Pagel of Pick & Squeeze will be here with Kate Aitken...Andy has performed with us several times and it's always a treat, but this will be Kate's first time and we're excited about that. Both Friday and Saturday nights' music start at 8pm.
I also have to apologize for the recent spate of blog posts that have been little more than event announcements. It's been so crazy leading up to Ethnic Fest that that's all I've really had time for. But when we return from our little hiatus we will get back to the rambling, nonsensical posts you're used to receiving from me.