Life on Both Sides of the Wall

Last night we had the genuine privilege and honor to have Gunther Skaletz discuss his new tome, Life on Both Sides of the Wall, his autobiographical memoir of growing up and surviving the horrors (an overused but especially appropriate word) of WWII, the Gestapo, KGB, torture, Auschwitz, death labor, and on and on and on...and his ultimate triumph of not only surviving, but in creating a life of dignity, compassion and grace. This man impressed me with his humor, gentleness, humility and strength. A class act all the way. I would very strongly encourage anyone and everyone to buy his book and read it, and to go wherever Gunther might be giving his next discussion. I was so enthralled by Gunther's tale that I forgot to take pictures...again. Oyvey... I did manage to get one or two of him signing books after his presentation. After Gunther's talk we immediately decided that we have to have him come back again, and he agreed. We'll let you know in the next few days the date of his next discussion here at Stumpjack Coffee. Please mark it on your calendar and be sure to attend!
Right now you can get Gunther's book at Schroeder's Department Store and Honey Pot here in Two Rivers, and at LaDeDa Books and Book World in Manitowoc. Go get yourself a's well worth it.