Best Coffee in Manitowoc County...

Well, the votes have been tabulated and the results are in in the "Best of Manitowoc County" poll conducted by the Herald Times Reporter. Here's how the now "award winning" Stumpjack Coffee Company did:
3rd place for Best Lunch (that's a very pleasant surprise...for a place that does only a couple sandwiches each day...excellent sandwiches, mind you, but still a very limited menu)
3rd place for Best Soup (maybe an even bigger surprise, since we only have one soup available at any one time...a very nice compliment)
3rd place for Best Atmosphere (behind the Courthouse Pub and Element American Bistro)
2nd place for Best Coffee ('scuse me whilst I giggle at this...first place goes to...Starbucks! It does make sense that in our area a fast food franchise would garner more votes for name recognition alone, and for people who aren't in the coffee loop, so to speak, it's the most logical vote). So I can live with that, because it is also then fair to say that Stumpjack Coffee received:
1st place for Best non-Franchise Coffee in Manitowoc County!
1st place for Best Live Entertainment (tied for first with the luxurious Capital Civic Centre...a surprise, a pleasant surprise...)
So, we get a plaque, some PR diddlydoo, and braggin's all good...
Thank you very much, everyone who voted for this place...that is very cool indeed.