Thirsty Thursday Jazz & Beer

Tonight's Thirsty Thursday musical guest: Saxi-Dan's Peas-a-Pye jazz trio. These cats were here about a month ago. It was fabulous! Truly wonderful stuff (I love a what a good jazz drummer brings to the mix, and Eric is a good drummer). Craig Peaslee (guitar), Dan Schielke (sax) and Eric Pye (drums) make Saxi-Dan's Peas-a-Pye (get it?). 7pm.
And the Thirsty Thursday drink special tonight is bottles of Goose Island 312 for $2.50 a bottle while they last. If we run out we'll call in a substitute New Glarus for the same price. 6-9pm. So, come have a beer and an artisan pizza with us tonight."Densely populated with flavor, 312’s spicy aroma of Cascade hops is followed by a crisp, fruity ale flavor delivered in a smooth, creamy body. This gives 312 a balance of flavor and refreshment..."

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