Cheyenne showing off her huge left hand with the kung fu grip. 
Nicole and Kent and Nicole's boy, I believe, during Lillie Lemon's gig.

Larry gives the Fat Tire an A-OK; Peggy watches Lillie Lemon.

Kim prepping tapas.

Nic over at Red Bank...I need to get out of the shop once in a while too.

Some fine coffee that Larry and Peggy brought back for me from their trip to Costa Rica.

Jesse holding my smoke-stick during Scott Hanson's gig in Central Park.
Reader Comments (4)
Are you sure thats a picture of Kent and Nicole? Looks more like Vince Gill and Amy Grant...
Great picture of the smoke-stick in Central Park. Great gigs, please keep them coming!
Who was the photographer is the shoot? I love the pictures; everyone is having so much fun. yay!
Thanks Bob...I took all but the last one of me and Jesse, that one is by Brian Powell.