A censored post

Pasted below is the beginning of what was to be my blog post for today (you can click it to enlarge), nine pages of gossip and revelation concerning three saucy dames and two innocent menfolk.As luck would have it the girls (Amy, Karen and Lynn) popped in just as I was finishing my writing. They snatched the papers from my hand and, before returning them to me, did a little editing so as not to incriminate themselves. Below is the result.
The other eight pages look pretty much the same as this first one above, so I figure why bother? It was a fun evening, but as I do in fact value my safety I will say no more. Suffice to say, those girls are somethin' else!

Reader Comments (6)
You're a TEASE.........
You hunk of ruggedness and burning love, you blogged us!!! And if you truly do worry for your safety (and you should) you will keep it mum, as will our other boy friend Mark. Randy already was threatened with bodily harm (and worse) if he talks, so he's keeping it real quiet. All kidding aside, we had a great time last night and we girls think we should go out and party more often!!
I agree on both counts:
1) "David,You hunk of ruggedness and burning love..."
2) "we should go out and party more often!"
I'm just glad I found the whipped cream!!!
...for that pie that David made on Sunday after church!!! ;)
the gig is up...now everyone will want to be part of the reunion committee. Next time we'll document with a camera for all to see... ;)