almost On the Porch tonight

Invoking the images of easy summer evenings, Scott Hanson’s music invites one to step up, sit down, kick back, dance around, and simply enjoy. He props his feet upon influences that emerge in the Dylan-esque “Old American Face” to the gritty “So Far to Roam” to the radio-friendly rock of “So Many Places” to the Nashvillian crowd favorite “Saturday.” The tunes, melodies, and good time vibes get in your head and don’t go away. At times romantic, at times political, Hanson blends insightful singer/songwriter vocals, catchy acoustic guitar, and harmonica with a beat you can groove to. What comes out is different, but somehow familiar. Fan quotes after shows have included: “It just feels good.” “It seems you’re having a lot of fun up there!” “These are songs you’d hear on the radio.” “I really liked the variety of styles.” Hanson’s band, On the Porch, recently released their first CD, “So Many Places” in the fall of 2008. It will be available at the show. Catch a preview at
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