The Hebrew Hammer visits Stumpjack?

I'm looking for some confirmation here folks, one way or the other. I was out of town for much of last week and through the weekend, and upon my return was informed that Milwaukee Brewers' outfielder Ryan Braun made a visit to Stumpjack Coffee. My lovely wife, while possessing enviable knowledge on numerous other subjects, is neither a hardcore baseball fan nor is she informed on the current Brewers line-up (and I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as her). So, she could neither positively confirm nor deny the alleged visit (shewt, with as chaotic and distracted as our lives are these days, we'd be lucky to correctly ID Brett Favre should he walk in). So, I'm looking for a comment from someone who may have been in the Stump last week during The Hebrew Hammer's alleged visit (man, is that an awesome nickname or what!?)...a reply either here or via our regular email or next time you're in the shop.
In any event, Ryan, if you did pop in for a double espresso or latte I'm sorry I missed you and I hope you enjoyed your drink. Congrats on making the starting line-up of the National League All Stars, and best of luck the rest of the season.

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