Becky's new CD

I have been remiss in posting a notice about Becky Markvart's most beautiful and fun new CD "Shine Down On Me." It was just released a few weeks ago and features 13 songs penned and performed by Becky that are, frankly, just wonderful. It's a real feel-good recording, with Becky's mellow and smooth guitar playing and her always angelic vocals making for the kind of CD you put on when you need to relax after a long, hard day. She's got some backing instrumentation that very nicely complements and further fleshes out her songs. It's just a darn good CD...I've purchased several to give as gifts to friends. The cover art is pretty cool too...done by some goofy friend of hers I guess...
Becky will be performing again at Stumpjack on Friday, August 29th. She is also one half of the duo Six Degrees, with her friend Bill Martell, and the two of them were recently voted "Best Local Musical Group in Manitowoc County" in the Herald Times Reporter 2008 Reader's Choice Awards.
You can get copies of Becky's CD here at Stumpjack or directly from her via her myspace. They're a very affordable $12 apiece...a steal for some dang good original music from a very talented lady.

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