More thrills & spills on the horizon!

One of the things we (Kim and I) talked about doing better this year is blogging. It was apparent to me that most of my posts are purely informational. They inform about upcoming events and then they often offer a quick synopsis of the event, with pictures, after it takes place. Given that, it also figures that a great many posts are about musical gigs that go on at the Stump. Now then, that's all well and good and we definitely want to continue doing that (looking through the images is always fun), but I also realized that I had gotten away from a good chunk of why we wanted to blog in the first place, that being so that we could talk about coffee, good beer, good food, good experiences and enhance, via the blog, the sense of community we all share at Stumpjack Coffee. I had allowed some of the other responsibilities of running the place to distract me from what I believe is a very important activity and responsibility (and a lot of fun too).
Blogging is, when it's done well, about sharing and connecting with you (our friends) and is definitely a two-way conversation that hopefully offers something of value to each of us. With that in mind, expect some growth and mutation with this blog in the coming weeks. We intend to not only post more often, but to expand our topics, get you more involved, do more fun stuff like contests and give-aways, and even change the look and format of the thing. I'm educating myself on Wordpress right now and plan to use that program in place of Blogger in the next couple of weeks. Wordpress appears to offer more options and flexibility than Blogger, although it's little more difficult to get the hang of for dimmer bulbs such as meself (yep, meself).

Reader Comments (2)
*jin waves her hands in the air*
Over here!
I have a suggestion!
I suggest
that you should offer
a 5 course meal
to your delivery peeps
when they deliver
for free.
I also suggest
you should hire
a Chippendale or two
to serve it.
Now that I've posted this comment we can discuss next time I'm in.
Well, you know we do do the free coffee drink for deliveries...5 courses though (?), probably not just yet. As far as a Chippendale, would a beefy northwoods Chunkendale suffice?