Just like they make it in Napoli

A fellow and his wife (presumably) came in during the day, seeking something tasty and warming to their innards. She ordered a chai latte, I believe, and he ordered an espresso dopio. Yes, he did indeed use the Italian designation. Upon receiving their respective libations the woman pronounced her chai to be "excellent." The man, on the other hand, began to boisterously declare that his espresso was even better. "Man, this is excellent! This is what espresso is supposed to taste like!" he exclaimed. "It's so hard to find a place that makes a good espresso." He slammed the last sip and set his demitasse on the counter. "This is just like they make it in Napoli! That was great. Thanks very much."
Another fun coffee experience and another satisfied customer. That never gets old...
Now then, I'm not afraid to tell you that we don't always hit it right on the head like we did this time. We're still learning and working on getting better every day, and there's a long way to go yet. And when we do hit it just right that's always as much a tip of the hat to our roaster as it is to our good luck in hitting everything just right, maybe more so. I told this fellow that we have an excellent roaster in Two Rivers Roasting Co and that as someone who appreciated good coffee as much as he obviously did he would do well to try some TR Roasting coffees when he has the chance.

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