Lakeshore's Rising Stars

The Stumpjack Coffee Company is one of the sponsors of Lakeshore's Rising Stars Christmas/Encore Show that takes place December 19th at the Capitol Civic Centre in Manitowoc. This show is going to be a blast! As the web design guy and "Business Manager" for the producers of Lakeshore's Rising Stars! I can tell you that if you live in the area and are able to get tickets you really should make every effort to see this show because the guys (Terry & Riley) have really put together a fantastic and fun program. (If you don't live in the area and it's too far to drive then...well...too, too bad for you!!)
Check out the Lakeshore's Rising Stars! website here, and look for LRS 2007 updates and info on the same site soon.

Reader Comments (1)
Nice write up!