Dried Apples
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 1:12PM
Stumpjack in Food Prep, apples, drying

We had an abundance of apples this autumn and decided to give an old food dehydrator that my Dad had a whirl. It's quite simple, easy and relatively quick work to dry a bushel of apples in one of these gizmos. You can also, of course, get the same results by using your oven. Just slice the apples to around a 1/4" thickness, spread them out on a wire rack and let dry over the course of 12 or so hours in a warm oven heated to 145º or so. Give the rack a turn once or twice during the drying process.

The apples have a concentrated sweetness & tartness, are chewy (kind of like gummy bears) and store for a good long time. We bagged them up and popped them in the freezer. Great for a road trip or a little snack.

Article originally appeared on Stumpjack (http://stumpjack.com/).
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