4 years? No freaking way!
Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 6:01PM
Stumpjack in anniversary

I. Our old pal Bill Walkner will be performing this Saturday night (the 18th) at 7:00pm. It's been many moons since Bill sat down in front of the mic at the Stump (autumn of last year perhaps?). This year he's got a new toy he'll be showing off too...a vintage squeezebox that he picked up not too long ago. He stopped in a few weeks ago and showed me the instrument and played a little on it. It is just too cool!

Bill also told me he's been keeping busy writing new songs. So, this Saturday night should be a real treat. If you haven't heard Bill before you owe it to yourself to see him. His songs are wonderful; he's one of the best story-telling songwriters around. If you have seen Bill before then then you know how good he is, and you'll be in for something new this time as well. 7:00 Saturday night. Be there or be square.

II. The Stumpjack Sunday Morning Breakfast is off to a nice start. With two Sundays under our belt I think we're moving in the right direction and are getting the kinks worked out. It's a 9am to noon affair with just two or three items on the menu each week at this point. The french toast with caramelized bananas seems to be the favorite, so we'll keep that one as the regular, while changing up the other one or two each Sunday as ingredients and whimsy dictate (for example, made a lovely quiche last Sunday...that may be a regular as well, it was delicious). I'll try to get the menu out as best I can each Saturday or early Sunday morning but will likely continue to suffer with the computer issues for a few weeks that have been stalling my regular posting until we can afford to get a new laptop (I've magpied my daughter's laptop to make this post).

Image of asparagus & mushroom quiche from Closet Cooking.

III. Four years ago, on September 16th, 2006, Stumpjack Coffee Company opened for business. September 16th is the official anniversary day, but I always mark the anniversary by Ethnic Fest, as it was in fact on Ethnic Fest four years ago that we opened the doors and let 'er rip. That was a wicked busy and fun day. I'm very proud of what we've been able to accomplish thus far in the specialty coffee arena in our area of the lakeshore. A huge thank you and humble gratitude to all of the friends who have supported Stumpjack these past four years. As I've said before, the people we've met and who have become friends have made this gig worthwhile. You surely know who you are...much love and warmth to you all.

Article originally appeared on Stumpjack (http://stumpjack.com/).
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