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Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.


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Breaking News! Paul Bunyan Ticked Off.

The offices at Stumpjack Coffee Company received urgent calls yesterday from several lumber-related industries requesting immediate delivery of Stumpjack coffee to logging camps all across the great northwoods. Concerned parties included Stihl Chainsaws, Oshkosh B'Gosh, Mrs. Butterworth and a red suspenders company. Officials stated that revenues would be greatly affected if lumbermen did not immediately return to work, and that only immediate shipments of Stumpjack coffee would persuade loggers fed up with cheap, tasteless canned coffee to hoist their axes and saws and get back into the woods.

When asked why he needed Stumpjack coffee one Canadian lumberjack simply said "ehhh...Stumpjack Cafe'...ees le'!"


An Unsolicited Testimonial

Ok, you must immediately go to this link: Persimmons Gal... and read Kim's post "I Love Stumpjack" (I know, I know, she said "I like Stumpjack" but I know that she really means LOVE when she talks about us). She made a nice comment below in the July Calendar post here as well. Thank you, Kim!


A little R&R...

We spent the last few days (Sunday afternoon through Wednesday) beneath the trees at Point Beach State Forest here in TR. The weather was beautiful (with great thunderstorms Monday and Tuesday nights), the bugs were nil, the ground was hard, the coffee was superb (one brew pot of Puerto Rican and one of Kenyan). This is the first real time off I've had since we opened (took a week in February, but that was really a work week where I still came into the shop each night or did paperwork at home, and then spent the last three days of it in Chicago at CoffeeFest, so there hasn't really been a good break since early last summer).

But the three days at Point beach were great...very relaxing. Came up with several good ideas for Stumpjack. I've decided I'm going to make use of the campground every month from now on, for at least a couple of days each month until winter.


July Calendar (abbreviated)

Sat. July 7

Live Music with Becky Markvart

Time: 8 - 10 p.m.

Acoustic folk music

Thu. July 12 - Chess Club: 7:00pm open to all levels of play

Thu. July 19 - Chess Club: 7:00pm open to all levels of play

Fri. July 20
Open Mic: Poetry & Music

Time: 8 - 10 p.m.

Poetry & Music, featuring poetry by Brian Muenzenmeyer

Sat. July 21
Live Music with Kerry Michaels

Time: 8 - 10 p.m.

Acoustic rock and folk from singer/songwriter Kerry Michaels

Thu. July 26 - Chess Club: 7:00pm open to all levels of play

Sat. July 28
Live Music with Koz

Time: 8 - 10pm

Multi-Instrumentalist plays a variety of musical genres


Cool City Car Show

Here's a couple pics I took a few minutes ago outside the Stump. This car show gig grows bigger every year...300+ cars this year...

Sandy, Terry and Kim