Two new blogs from Lakeside Apparel
Check 'em out:
The L.A. Post - Dave Theiss' ramblings
Working with Chemicals - Dave's Lakeside Apparel blog (the finest screen printed tees and signs)
Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
Check 'em out:
The L.A. Post - Dave Theiss' ramblings
Working with Chemicals - Dave's Lakeside Apparel blog (the finest screen printed tees and signs)
Received this cool poster image from Pat DiNizio (The Smithereens) this morning and had to share it. If you recall, I posted about Pat coming to the Stump to perform sometime early 2009. As it gets closer I get more excited with each passing week. Needless to say, Pat's visit to Stumpjack is gonna be the cat's meow, baby...
As some of you know, we've been conducting intense training sessions (that is, playing around) with roasting our own coffee. We got a great little machine, a Nesco Roaster (thanks to our friend Don Kozlowski...thanks Don!) that is really designed for the home roasting enthusiast. But we've been working the little beast like one of Hannibal's pack elephants and it's held up beautifully thus far. It takes a lot of green coffee beans to make a batch big enough to sell in the shop. It's an enjoyable process and I'm thinking of going bigger with it sometime down the road. For the time being, however, you might be seeing a few official Stumpjack in-house roasted coffees on the counter sometime soon, albeit it very limited quantities.
Check out the comments on the post below ("nV tees in my grubby hands") from those cheap buggers Dave and Nick. Brought a smile to my own sandy eyes and rum & coke addled brain from last night.
This has been a fun week and a fun weekend and it's only Saturday morning yet. It's people like Dave, Nick, new friends Paul and Talane from London, and all the other great regular pals here that make this a fun gig...and this weekend is extra special with the KiteFest going on (during an absolutely gorgeous day) and Nick performing tonight.