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12 Days of Christmas - day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas Stumpjack gave to meeeeee...This is the LAST DAY of the Stumpjack 12 Days of Christmas specials. Frankly, it was a bit of a challenge coming up with a final special deal. But Kim suggested that there might be some last minute shoppers out and about and I thought if I were one of those folks I would love to have a little tasty, caffeinated treat to both warm me up and get me going...and then I thought the best Christmas treat would something tasty, caffeinated and FREE!'s final 12 Days of Christmas special is a free double shot of the best dang espresso you'll find outside of Italy (ok, maybe Portland too).

Double shot of Stumpjack espresso
(in-house to-go orders)

And if you smile and ask for another we'll give you a second one on the house too...
We're feeling the Christmas spirit!

Today only, while we're open (we're 'sposed to be open til 4:00 but you might want to stop in before that because I might just close early today)

BTW, the two images above I borrowed from a guy who goes by the name of Tonx. I've enjoyed his photography for some time now. You can check out more of his stuff at his Flickr site.


12 Days of Christmas - day 10 & 11

Yikes! What happened to days 10 & 11? They're right here!

On the tenth and eleventh days of Christmas Stumpjack gave to meeeeee...

Nesco Home Coffee Roaster
These little beauties normally sell for around $140 + tax
We have a couple of brand-spankin'-new ones on hand direct from our friends at the company and will offer them today only for just $115 (tax included).

We're going to be getting into offering home roasting stuff for people more and more this coming year, and this Nesco Home Coffee Roaster is the one I use myself. It looks awesome and is a lot of fun when roasting your own green coffee beans at home. Here's an old blog post about it from a few months ago.

Ok, here's the second Christmas special for today...
This is a repeat of day 4...this special went over very well, but several people asked that we run it gain, either because they missed out on it the first time around or decided they wanted more mugs. So here it is again, just as great as it was the first time.

Stumpjack Mugs (12 oz.)
Regularly $10 each
Today until midnight only $7 apiece,
or 4 for $24 (that's $6 apiece)

You can take advantage of this offer by stopping into the shop or contacting us via email with the contact form on the right, before midnight tonight. We'll be open tomorrow (Wednesday) and closed on Christmas day (Thursday) so you'll have to come in tomorrow to pick up your order if you want it for Christmas.


12 Days of Christmas - day 9

On the ninth day of Christmas Stumpjack gave to meeeeee...

Big Gift Basket

Regularly $85.
Today until midnight only $70

And this is a per pound minimum special price...
nothing less than one pound.

You can take advantage of this offer by stopping into the shop or contacting us via email with the contact form on the right, before midnight tonight. Let usn know if you want before Christmas and we'll make sure you get it even though we'll probably be closed Monday and Tuesday.



Becky Markvart
Saturday night...7pm
making amends to her disappointed fans for last month's cancellation


12 Days of Christmas - day 8

Caroling coffee beans by Cheyenne Smith

On the eighth day of Christmas Stumpjack gave to meeeeee...
click to enlarge
Puerto Rican

The one that so many folks have been waiting for!

Regularly $24-$26 lb.
Today until midnight only $18 lb.
$6-$8 off per pound
And this is a per pound minimum special price...
nothing less than one pound.

While supplies last. We keep a limited supply on hand and
once we reach the end that'll be the end of this particular special offer.

You can take advantage of this offer by stopping into the shop or contacting us via email with the contact form on the right, before midnight tonight. You can email us and we'll set aside your stuff for you until the end of the week, when we ask that you please come in to pay for and pick up your order.